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Rheumatic Pain Oil

Rheumatic Pain Oil

Regular price ₹ 975.00
Regular price Sale price ₹ 975.00
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Rheumatic Pain Oil - Responsive Page

? Sruthi Rheumatic Pain Oil is used in the treatment of joint pain and anti-rheumatism.

? External application of Sruthi Rhematic Pain oil improves blood circulation to the joints and helps to relax the swollen and distended muscles and reduces the stiffness.

? It also helps to relax the swollen and distended muscles and reduces the stiffness.

Take the required quantity of Sruthi Rheumatic Pain Oil to luke warm apply on affected area gently massage. For better results give hot water fomentation.

  • Country of Origin:
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Manufacturer Information

Country of Origin: India

Manufactured by: Sruthi Herbal Laboratories, 9A/2, Woodcote, Coonoor - 643102, The Nilgiris, Tamil Nadu, India.